Section13.3A Lemma about Square Roots Modulo \(n\)

We'll continue our formal investigation of what numbers are in sums of two squares by taking a look at a lemma seemingly unrelated to this.

Subsection13.3.1Reminder about square roots

We begin by codifying something we already have discussed.

We say that a number \(a\) has a square root modulo \(n\) if there is some number \(x\) with \[x^2\equiv a\text{ mod }(n)\; .\]

You may have found square roots of \(\pm 1\) earlier. Here is a fact we mentioned before.

Remember, this means there can't be a square root of minus one if \(p\equiv 3\text{ mod }(4)\). Of course, it also only means that there might be one if \(p\equiv 1\text{ mod }(4)\).


Later we'll see that square roots of negative one in \(\mathbb{Z}\) (not \(\mathbb{Z}_n\)) are connected to sums of squares as well, so this is not a completely implausible connection. However, for now we have the following lemma.

We can check that these really are square roots of \(-1\).