Package addressbook

Class Summary
AddressBook An object of this class maintains the collection of Person objects that constitute an address book
AddressBookApplet Applet version of address book application
AddressBookApplication Main class for the Address Book example
AddressBookController An object of this class performs operations on the address book in response to user gestures on the GUI
AddressBookGUI An object of this class allows interaction between the program and the human user.
FileSystem An object of this class manages interaction between the address book program and the file system of the computer it is running on.
MultiInputPane This is a utility class for displaying a dialog that asks for multiple values.
Person An object of this class maintains information about a single individual in the address book
Person.CompareByName Comparator for comparing two persons by alphabetical order of name
Person.CompareByZip Comparator for comparing two persons by order of zip code, with ties broken by name