 * stack1.h

template <class T> class Stack
     * PURPOSE: Template for a stack of objects of any type T that has a
     *          copy constructor.
     * NOTE: It is an error, and will produce unpredictable results, to
     *       try to pop or take the top of an empty stack.


        Stack()                 : _top(NULL) { }

        void push(T item)       { _top = new StackNode(item, _top); }
        T pop()                 { StackNode * removed = _top;
                                  _top = _top -> _link;
                                  T result = removed -> _item;
                                  delete removed;
                                  return result;
        bool isEmpty()          { return _top == NULL; }
        T top()                 { return _top -> _item; }

        class StackNode
                StackNode(T item, StackNode * link)
                  : _item(item), _link(link) { }
                T _item;
                StackNode * _link;
          } * _top;
 * Tester for stack1.h. It reads a line of characters from standard input, 
 * printing them out backwards, then forward again.  Finally, it prints the 
 * individual ASCII codes of the characters.  To do this, it uses two
 * char stacks and one int stack.

#include <std.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <bool.h>
#include "stack1.h"

    Stack < char > forward, backward;
    Stack < int  > ascii;
    char c;

    cout << "Input:    ";
    while ((c = cin.get()) != '\n')
    cout << "Backward: ";
    while (! backward.isEmpty())
      { char c = backward.pop();
        cout << c;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Forward:  ";
    while (! forward.isEmpty())
      { char c = forward.pop();
        cout << c;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "ASCII:    ";
    while (! ascii.isEmpty())
      { int i = ascii.pop();
        cout << i << ' ';
    cout << endl;
 * stack2.h

template <class T> class Stack
     * PURPOSE: Template for a stack of objects of any type T that has a
     *          copy constructor.
     * NOTE: It is an error, and will produce unpredictable results, to
     *       try to pop or take the top of an empty stack.


        void push(T item);
        T pop();
        bool isEmpty();
        T top();

        class StackNode
          { public:
                StackNode(T item, StackNode * link)
                  : _item(item), _link(link) { }
                T _item;
                StackNode * _link;
          } * _top;

template < class T >
  : _top(NULL)
  { }

template < class T >
void Stack<T>::push(T item)
  { _top = new Stack<T>::StackNode(item, _top); }

template < class T >
T Stack<T>::pop()
  { StackNode * removed = _top;
    _top = _top -> _link;
    T result = removed -> _item;
    delete removed;
    return result;

template < class T >
bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()
  { return _top == NULL; }

template < class T >
T Stack<T>::top()
  { return _top -> _item; }

Copyright ©1998 - Russell C. Bjork