CS322: Concurrent Processes and Programming

The interrelation of processes that are part of the same program

  1. Process creation may be either static or dynamic. If static, then all processes belonging to a program are created when the program starts, and continue until the program as a whole terminates (which occurs when all its constituent processes are finished.) If dynamic, then processes are created and destroyed during program execution.

  2. The parent process may either continue in parallel with its children, or may wait for them all to complete before proceeding.

  3. The processes may share all variables in common, some variables in common, or no variables in common.

$Id: concurrency4.html,v 1.3 1998/03/03 23:42:04 senning Exp $

These notes were written by Prof. R. Bjork of Gordon College. In February 1998 they were edited and converted into HTML by J. Senning of Gordon College.