Section25.6Connecting to zeros

We see all the zeros for \(\sigma=1/2\) between \(0\) and \(100\); there are 29 of them.

Our next goal is to see how this connection \[\ln(\zeta(s))=s\int_1^\infty J(x)x^{-s-1}dx\] relates to the zeros of the \(\zeta\) function (and hence the Riemann Hypothesis).

We will do this by a very powerful analogy, which Euler used to prove \(\zeta(2)=\frac{\pi^2}{6}\) and which, correctly done, does yield the right answer.

Recall basic algebra. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra states that every polynomial factors over the complex numbers. For instance, \[f(x)=5x^3-5x=5(x-0)(x-1)(x+1)\; .\] So we could then say that \[\ln(f(x))=\ln(5)+\ln(x-0)+\ln(x-1)+\ln(x+1)\] Then if it turned out that \(\ln(f(x))\) was useful to us for some other reason, it would be reasonable to say that we can get information about that other material from adding up information about the zeros of \(f\) (and the constant \(5\)), because of the addition of \(\ln(x-r)\) for all the roots \(r\).

You can't really do this with arbitrary functions, of course, and \(\zeta\) doesn't work. This is true, for instance, because \(\zeta(1)\) diverges badly, no matter how you define the complex version of \(\zeta\).

But it happens that \(\zeta\) is very close to a function you can do that to, \((s-1)\zeta(s)\). Applying the idea above to \((s-1)\zeta(s)\) (and doing lots of relatively hard complex integrals, or some other formal business with difficult convergence considerations) allows us to essentially invert \[\ln(\zeta(s))=s\int_1^\infty J(x)x^{-s-1}dx\] to \[J(x)=Li(x)-\sum_{\rho}Li(x^\rho)-\ln(2)+\int_x^\infty\frac{dt}{t(t^2-1)\ln(t)}\]

Subsection25.6.1Analyzing the connection

It is hard to overestimate the importance of this formula. Each piece comes from something inside \(\zeta\) itself, inverted in this special way.

First, \(Li(x)\) comes from the fact that we needed \((s-1)\zeta(s)\) to apply this inversion, not just \(\zeta(s)\). In fact, we can directly see this particular inversion, as it's true that \[s\int_1^\infty Li(x)x^{-s-1}dx=-\ln(s-1)\] so one can see that \(s-1\) and \(Li\) seem to correspond.

Each \(Li(x^\rho)\) comes from each of the zeros of \(\zeta\) on the line \(\sigma=1/2\) in the complex plane.

The \(\ln(2)\) comes from the constant when you do the factoring, like the \(5\) in the example.

The integral comes from the zeros of \(\zeta\) at \(-2n\) I mentioned briefly above.

To give you a sense of how complicated this formula \[J(x)=Li(x)-\sum_{\rho}Li(x^\rho)-\ln(2)+\int_x^\infty\frac{dt}{t(t^2-1)\ln(t)}\] really is, here is a plot of something related.

This is the plot of \[Li(20^{1/2+it})\] up through the first zero of \(\zeta\) above the real axis. It's beautiful, but also forbidding. After all, if takes that much twisting and turning to get to \(Li\) of the first zero, what is in store if we have to add up over all infinitely many of them to calculate \(J(20)\)?

So at the very least, it would be helpful to know where all of those mysterious zeros live! This is why the Riemann Hypothesis is so important; it pins them down quite dramatically.