Section19.4Perfect Numbers

When the ratio \(\frac{\sigma(n)}{n}\) is exactly \(2\), we say \(n\) is a perfect number.

This is a big definition, and it goes back quite a ways. Euclid defines it at the beginning of his number-theoretic books, and only mentions it again over one hundred propositions later, where he proves that certain numbers are, in fact, perfect. This is a fitting end, as Dunham says in his book, Journey through Genius.

Notice that these primes are precisely the Mersenne primes!

Many centuries later, Euler proved the converse.

We will leave the question about whether there are odd perfect numbers to another section.

Subsection19.4.1More speculation and terminology

There are many things people have claimed about numbers of this type. A Hellenistic Roman in the first century in Gerasa (the same place as the Biblical story of the demons called “Legion” who went into swine) named Nichomachus claimed that the \(n\)th perfect number had \(n\) digits.

He was more concerned with mystical claims about them (which many repeated), but this assertion continued to be made for over a thousand years. However, knowing what we do about Mersenne primes, we see that the fifth one is 13, so that the next perfect number, \[\left(2^{13}-1\right)\cdot 2^{12}\, ,\] lay mysterious for a long time. It was apparently discovered in the fifteenth century.

Until the early modern period, such numbers were basically inaccessible.

It turns out that number theorists (often of the amateur variety, but certainly not always) have come up with all kinds of other names for similar things related to \(\sigma(n)/n\).

  • If \(\sigma(n)=kn\) for some integer \(k\), then we say that \(n\) is \(k\)-perfect.
  • Or, if \(\sigma(n)>2n\), then \(n\) is abundant.
  • If \(\sigma(n)<2n\), we say \(n\) is deficient.

As it will turn out, these things are not really good characterizations of what it means to have “too many” or “too few” divisors, but in recognition of the Greeks' contributions we keep this allusive and fairly standard terminology.

Here are some less well-known, but nonetheless interesting, terms.

  • A number is pseudoperfect if it is the sum of some of its divisors (other than itself).
  • A number \(n\) is superabundant if \(C_n=\sigma(n)/n\) is bigger than all \(C_m\) for smaller \(m\).
  • A number is weird if it is abundant but not pseudoperfect. (There is a famous paper of Erdos on this topic.)