
QNetDP computes the average cost and optimal policy for stochastic processing networks using value iteration. An input file contains the network structure, arrival and service rates, routing and algorithm parameters, including buffer truncations for each class. Output includes average cost and the optimal policy, which can be examined with an included program.

This uses the libqnet library developed for the QNet Approximator, a collection of programs that compute bounds on the optimal average cost for stochastic processing networks.


QNetDP runs in a Linux environment. Most current Linux distributions have all the required software if the software development tools have been installed.

  1. Linux - This software was testing using systems running Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10 and openSUSE 11.1 but should compile and run on any standard Linux system.

  2. GNU C++ Compiler - This software was tested using versions 4.3.2, 4.4.3, and 4.4.4.

  3. GNU Make - This should be included with the GNU development system.

Source Code

The QNetDP software is provided in source form only. Please see the README and INSTALL files after unpacking the software.